GSRs please email our Vice Chair to update your meeting in the Directory @ ocascvicechair@gmail.com
Click the link below to access the Interim World Service Conference Report
Creating Our Future: Interim WSC Report
A group service representative (GSR) is the first line of communication between their group and Narcotics Anonymous as a whole. They are the links that bind the groups together in the performance of our primary purpose. Electing GSRs who will take an active part in the business of N.A is one of the most important things we can do to improve the unity of the fellowship. Active representation, more than any other thing can strengthen the ties that bind us together and be the unifying force in our fellowship. “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on N.A. Unity.” Participation in the Area Service Committee (ASC) will enable you to keep your group informed about what is happening in N.A. Members of a group should always be able to go to their representative and find out about activities, other groups, how our service structure works, the Twelve Traditions, or how they can become more involved.
Upcoming Events
ASC Meeting 2nd Sunday each month, 5:00pm. 2370 East Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831 at Recovery Road. /Map. New GSR’s should arrive at 4:15 pm for orientation. *In the month of February, April and May meeting dates may change or be held Virtually. For more information, please email ocascsecretary@gmail.com
Literature Order Forms
Orange County Area Documents

Contact Us!
Línea Telefónica en vivo:
via Mail:
Orange County AreaNarcotics Anonymous
PO Box 1058
Anaheim, CA 92815 Click here to send email to
Orange County NA Public Relations Print Directory Click here to view and download print directory
Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!