Hospitals and Institutions
Hospitals and Institutions (H & I) carries the Narcotics Anonymous message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular N.A. meetings. H & I meetings or presentations, except for those in long term facilities, are intended to simply introduce those attending to some of the basics of the NA program.
Get Involved
H&I meets at 3:30pm on the 2nd Sunday of every month at Recovery Road,
2370 East Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831 at Recovery Road. /Map.
Sponsorship Behind the Walls
- Sponsorship Behind the Walls Guidelines (2018) (pdf)
- Sponsorship Behind the Walls Correspondence Document (2018) (pdf)
- Sponsorship Behind the Walls Do’s and Dont’s (2018) (pdf)
- Sponsorship Behind the Walls Purpose Document (2018) (pdf)
- Sponsorship Behind the Walls Sponsor Interview (2018) (pdf)
Send email to the Orange County H&I subcommittee

Contact Us!
Línea Telefónica en vivo:
via Mail:
Orange County AreaNarcotics Anonymous
PO Box 1058
Anaheim, CA 92815 Click here to send email to
Orange County NA Public Relations Print Directory Click here to view and download print directory
Be sure to check out our activities page for all of our upcoming events!